3rd Spatial Section - Pelguranna
Pelguranna is a modernist panel-housing area, located in Northern Tallinn. It is the largest subdistrict of Northern Tallinn by population.
Existing Situation
+ The oldest panel-housing area in Tallinn
+ an area with a unique urban fabric: a garage village and spatially clearly defined transmission tower corridor
+ the augmented reality urban art gallery and the Pelgu community garden are located here
- Sõle Street interrupts the continuity of the Pollinator Highway
Natural Environment
+ an extensive lush meadow area
- currently of average value for pollinators
Spatial Planning and Interventions
The designing and implementation of a linear park is in progress
An ongoing design process of the Pelgu allotment garden
An ongoing redesign process of transmission towers into landmarks and activity pockets
An ongoing design process for a new tramline to Stroomi beach
Construction of a bicycle highway in addition to the pedestrian road network
Take a look at the spatial concept for the Paavli & Pelguranna spatial sections of the Pollinator Highway here and here!