5th Section of Space: Mustjõe
Mustjõe is a garden city, a village community in the middle of the city.
Existing Situation
+ garden city area
+ existing mixed traffic light traffic road
+ strong community
- Paldiski road as a strong spatial interruption
- Junctions of the Pollinator Highway and streets are unsafe
Natural Environment
+ Gardens of detached houses (vegetable gardens, flower gardens) increase biodiversity and support the diversity of pollinators
+ intersection with the green corridor on the bank of the Mustjõgi stream
- many invasive plant species (Heracleum sosnowsky, Reynoutria Houtt., Rumex confertus)
Spatial Planning and Interventions
a village square with various activities
a public orchard
a bee border
the separation of light traffic of different speeds, creation of movement paths of different speed and nature
Check out the Landscape Architecture Vision for Spatial Sections from Mustjõe to Hiiu!
The concept project for Mustjõe, Veskimetsa, Väike-Õismäe, Astangu and Hiiu offer a preliminary vision for the development of the areas, which was created by landscape architects from Artes Terrae. Further design will follow.