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Pollinator Highway is a meadow-like natural environment rich in species, a green corridor and a space for people to move through 6 city districts. The Pollinator Highway runs along a former railway embankment and today's high-voltage line corridor. When the high-voltage lines are moved into the underground cable, the potential for a city-wide linear park is released.


The name "Pollinator Highway" refers to an already existing movement corridor which pollinators (butterflies, bumblebees and bees) and other groups of animals use to move from one green area to another.

The first phase of the Pollinator Highway to be realized is located in the area between the garages in North Tallinn, bounded by Ehte, Sõle and Puhangu streets and Kolde avenue. In its entire length, the Pollinator Highway runs from the Telliskivi creative city through the Kopli cargo station, the area between North Tallinn garages and Merimetsa along the border between the districts of Kristiine, Mustamäe, Haaberst and Nõmme to the Hiiu subdistrict. 


The Pollinator Highway is defined by both biodiversity and urbanization. The city and nature are not opposite words: the guiding principle of the project is to preserve the richness of natural life while simultaneously offering both diverse activity opportunities  and environmentally friendly movement opportunities for people.

In the future, the Pollinator Highway will become a city-wide linear park rich in life, a public space offering new green movement connections and diverse activity opportunities.

The Pollinator Highway is divided into 9 spatial sections although studies have shown that people perceive the borders of the different spatial sections that the Pollinator Highway passes through differently. Discontinuity of space is caused by strong urban interruptions, which cut off the light traffic road, for example highway streets with many lanes (such as Paldiski maantee and Ehitajate tee) or distinct changes in the urban or natural environment. 

The Pollinator Highway concept is being developed with the support of two external projects of the European Union. Both the Augmented Urbans external project (2018-2020) and the B.Green external project (2020-2022) are financed by the Central Baltic Sea Program, which supports cross-border cooperation, sustainable urban mobility and cohesive communities. The authors of the concept and initiators of the project are the Tallinn Spatial Planning and Design Team (ruumiloome). The first 2 spatial sections of the Pollinator Highway: Paavli and Pelguranna will be built by spring 2025.

9 Spatial Sections of the Pollinator Highway

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1- Kopli Cargo Station


2- Paavli


3- Pelguranna


4- Merimets

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5- Mustjõe


6- Veskimetsa


7- Väike-Õismäe


8- Astangu


9- Vana-Mustamäe & Hiiu

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